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コプトのアメリカへの移民は1940年代後半、オーストラリアへの移民は50年前に始まりました。彼らは初めは自分たち自身に奉仕していたので典礼ではアラビア語を使っていましたが、時間が立つにつれ英語の翻訳を整理し、スマホアプリ “Coptic Reader” を出すに至りました。私たちも将来は、日本のキリスト教信者に奉仕し、日本語で伝道できるようになればと思います。私自身、シドニーのいくつかの教会で、大勢のアジア系やヨーロッパ系の信者がコプト教会にいるのを見て、日本の教会も同じようになることを願っています。


It was in 1549AD when Christianity was introduced into Japan first time by St. Francis Xavier, a Jesuit priest. There is a wide held belief in Japan that Christianity is a religion of Europe and America, and there are only the Roman Catholic and Protestants because almost all Christian missionaries to Japan have been from European countries or the USA and they are Roman Catholic or Protestants. At the same time, Christianity is believed in a broad area in Egypt and Ethiopia in the west, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq in the Middle East, and Southern India, and they (we) believe in Orthodox Christianity. Our Coptic Orthodox Church is one of these Churches believed mainly in the “Oriental” area.

Our Church is named "Orthodox" but our church has been developed under different theology and tradition from so-called Greek or Russian Orthodox Churches. We share some cultures like icons and iconostasis walls with these churches but we have different liturgy from them.

Copts believe that St. Mark the Evangelist came and built the Church in Alexandria, Egypt, in 51 AD and became the first Pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church. It is similar way that St. Peter, the Apostle, built the Church in Rome and became the first Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. There have been Pentarchy, the five major patriarchates of Rome, Alexandria, Constantinople, Antioch, and Jerusalem, and our head, as well as the head of the Roman Church, has been called “Pope” from an ancient age.

We use same Bible as the Roman Catholic Church (there are some additional books in the Old Testament), we believe the Holy Trinity, we believe redemption in Christ, although we look quite different from the Roman Catholic Church and Protestant Churches in the liturgy.

One of the differences and similarities easily found when you visit our church is in our divine liturgy (so-called Coptic Mass.) Our divine liturgy, called “the Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great” mainly consists of two parts; the first part is “the liturgy of the Catechumens” (the liturgy of the Word), and the latter is “the liturgy of the Faithful” (the liturgy of the Eucharist.) Our liturgy shares some of the major phrases with the rite of Catholic Mass, and they might come from the very beginning of Christianity, before we, Coptic Orthodox Church and Roman Catholic Church were separated. Different from Catholic Mass, the offertory is placed on the very beginning of the liturgy, and leavened bread is used on the liturgy. The bread is made of only water and flour without sugar, salt, or any other ingredients and baked by deacons before the liturgy.

Another point to note in our liturgy is the variety of languages used in our liturgy; Coptic for our traditional language; Arabic for the native language of Egyptian Copts; English for the Coptic diasporas; and Japanese for Japanese people. But our ancestors introduces some Greek terms and phrases into our liturgy, for they did not like to use original Coptic (old Egyptian) words that did not fit for Christian theology. And more, we use “Amen” and “Allelujah;” these are Hebrew origin. So we use six languages in total in our liturgy.

In addition to the similarity and difference between the two churches, I would like to introduce one of the effort of the Coptic Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church. In April 2017, HH Pope Francis of Rome had a historical visit to Egypt. At that time, the Coptic Orthodox Church was suffered by the repeated attacks of terrorism, but HH Pope Francis’s visit showed the solidarity of the Roman Catholic Church to our Church. During the visit, Their Holinesses the Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria and the Pope Francis of Rome declared that the a baptism given in one church is valid in each church. This is a precious fruit of the two Church’s persistent dialogue.

We have two parishes in Japan. One is St. Mary and St. Mark’s Church in Kizugawa-city, Kyoto, and the other is the Twelve Disciples’ Church in Tokyo, and they belong in the Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions. The Diocese bought an old chapel building of a protestant church in 2016 in Kyoto, and His Holiness visited the chapel to consecrate it with a newly-built iconostasis in 2017. The parish in Tokyo does not have our chapel building yet, but our congregation keeps having Divine Liturgy once a month in the Tokyo area. Some parishes of the Anglican Episcopal Church in Japan and the Roman Catholic Church kindly help our liturgy by offering their chapels.

The immigration to the Copts to the United States started in the late 1940s and one to Australia started 50 years ago. They first used to serve themselves and used Arabic in their liturgy, but after decades, they prepared English translations and finally published “Coptic Reader” application for smartphones. Our parishes will serve Japanese Christians and preach to them in Japanese language in future. I saw many Asian and European people in Coptic churches in Sydney and this will fall to Japan, too.



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